7 Things to Do For Your Skin, Right Now


Spring is a great time to declutter and deep-clean your home- and that includes your beauty stash.

When was the last time you went through all your makeup and skincare products and got rid of everything that was expired? It’s definitely been a while for me and when I did finally get to it, I was surprised at how many expired products I was forced to throw away- especially body care products which I kind of tend to hoard. I’m awful, I know.

Many years a go, I made a mistake of (unknowingly) using an expired body lotion and my skin went nuts. You’d think I’d learn my lesson, but I was shocked to see how many expired products I still had laying around. Some of your products might have a “use by” date somewhere on the bottle/jar, if you can’t find it, try to locate this little icon that displays number of months (or years) for which is safe to use the product after opening it.

Here are a few more things you should be doing for your skin.


Years a go, I’ve read a magazine interview with Dita Von Teese who, undeniably, has the most stunning, flawless, porcelain skin. When asked what her secret to such gorgeous skin was, she replied “A great dermatologist and a good sunscreen.” It seems that by now, everyone is well aware of the importance of using sunscreen, yet so many of us still didn’t make it a habit to use it on daily basis: “but the sun isn’t out today”, “but it’s not hot”, “but we’re not going to the beach?” If you want your skin to look great, even as you age, you need to wear sunscreen, even on those gloomy, cloudy days. Sun causes skin damage as UVA rays cause your skin to age and wrinkle much faster than it would, had it not been exposed. This means photoaging, sun spots and, of course, wrinkles. With things like these, it’s much better-and easier- to prevent, rather than treat. If you want to find a good sunscreen for your face check out this article. You should always use 1/4 teaspoon on your entire face, applying it AFTER your moisturizer. The earlier you start incorporating sunscreen into your skincare routine, the better, but it’s never too late to start! Use of sunscreen is especially important when using AHA/BHA or Vitamin C products (pretty much anything that helps fight hyperpigmenation- not wearing proper sun protection while using these products can leave your skin vulnerable, and produce reverse results e.g. your acne scars will get darker, instead of getting lighter).


From head to toe. I love using a Coconut Oil Scrub I make myself as a body scrub in the shower. Now that spring is here, we’re all going to show more skin the warmer it gets, and I’m about to introduce a self-tanner to my routine (don’t want to blind anyone when wearing a dress) so exfoliating is a must. The nice thing about using a coconut scrub is that while exfoliates, it also moisturizes skin at the same time. When it comes to your face, exfoliating is just as important, but I definitely recommend trying chemical exfoliants instead of physical ones (like scrubs and peelings). When using scrubs or exfoliating cleansers it’s very easy to over-exfoliate your skin which can strip its protective barrier, basically making thousands and thousands of tiny, microscopic cuts (microtears) on your face. This can leave your skin looking red, sensitive  and it can also cause major acne flare ups. Scrubs, like a lot of things in the skincare world, do have their limits, too: they only treat the top layer of skin and unfortunately, most of the trouble-making build-up cells are way beyond their reach. Chemical exfoliants, on the other hand, dissolve the bonds and intercellular cement between skin cells, allowing it to ease away. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs i.e. glycolic acid)  and Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA- salicylic acid) are chemical exfoliants that are most commonly used in skincare. I personally love using Dr. Dennis Gross Skincare Extra Strength Alpha Beta Peel. I mention this peel here on the blog quite often, and it’s because it’s just that good. I’ve been using it for years and if you have acne-prone skin, I guarantee that you will love it. An awesome drugstore alternative to these are St. Ives Daily Exfoliating Pads– unfortunately they have been discontinued, but you can still find them on amazon right here.


I’m great at following a good routine, but I suck when it comes to using special treatments on my skin like face masks. I own so many of them, but have to constantly remind myself to use them. When I do use them on regular basis, my skin always looks better. I love face masks that work quickly so for the last couple of months I’ve been reaching for Bobbi Brown Radiance Boost Mask quite a lot because it works in only five minutes and is a perfect quick pick-me-up for my skin. A few other ones that I love are Derma E’s Purifying Charcoal Mask, and Nügg Exfoliating and Deep Cleansing masks. During spring I also really like going for lighter makeup, especially when it comes to my base. After winter your skin can feel a bit dry and dull, so it’s important to have a good moisturizer as part of your routine- applying a thick layer and blotting excess before foundation application will make a big difference if you find that your foundation always looks less than perfect, despite using primers. Personally, I’ve been absolutely loving Purlisse PurMoist Hydra-Balance Moisturizer– this was sent to me along with other products and I have to say that I am very impressed. My skin is currently very dry because the acne meds I’m on, but this moisturizer works like a charm. I have to say that more and more Asian skincare products I try, the more I love them (and if you have any recommendations, please let me know!!).


After years of suffering from cystic acne, I discovered the dairy-acne connection and saw my skin transform within weeks of cutting out all dairy products from my diet. Cleaning up your diet (getting rid of processed foods, soda, candy) will help you get healthy, glowing skin. Go for foods that are packed with Vitamin E, Vitamin A and Omega-3 fatty acids- I personally love getting a bunch of skin-loving nutrients in my breakfast smoothie.


Before trying any DIY treatments out there, please do your research! I see very reputable websites, “beauty experts” and even magazines offer horrible skincare advice- like using pure lemon juice or baking soda on your skin. Spring is that time of year when everyone wants their skin to have that healthy glow, but if you see anyone offer DIY advice on Instagram, please do your research and always patch test! See this post to see why most of those DIY treatments are a bad idea.


Dry brushing your skin can help detoxify your body. Skin is the largest organ in the human body and a pretty awesome one at that. It helps us stay warm when it’s cold, helps us stay cool when it’s hot and its primary purpose is to protect our inner organs from outer elements. Your skin also plays an important role in detoxification and if it’s invaded with toxins and dead skin cells, it can’t do its job properly. This is where dry brushing comes in handy. It stimulates your lymphatic system, which in turn helps release toxins. It removes dead skin cells, stimulates blood flow and helps cell regeneration. You can dry brush your body right before you hop in the shower, when doing so, always dry brush your skin starting at your feet and always brush toward your heart. Bonus here is the fact that dry brushing also helps improve the appearance of cellulite, smooths your skin and allows your lotion to absorb A LOT better.

Do you switch up your routine or do anything special for your skin during spring? How about those expired products, how often do you get rid of them? Please don’t tell me I’m the only one who’s awful at that!

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