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25 Quotes to Keep You Going When Times Get Tough + Printable List


There are some days, when you have nothing. Days, when all you wish you could do, is go to sleep and make everything and everyone go away for a few hours. Sometimes, this happens for no particular reason- you wake up and feel a little “off”. Sometimes, it happens when you’re dealing with a lot of things at once and feel like you can’t take it all anymore. Other times, a single thing goes wrong, you fall apart, and can’t…

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Lifestyle Wellness

7 Life-changing morning rituals

7 Life-Changing Rituals

7 Life-Changing Morning Rituals Your morning routine sets the mood and tone for your entire day. Wouldn’t it be wonderful, if you started each and every day on a with a smile on your face? How do you feel right after you open your eyes in the morning? Are you excited to start your day, or do you just want to roll over and go back to sleep? How you spend your mornings makes a big impact on your mood and…

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Best Banana Bread You’ll Ever Make (Vegan + Gluten-free)

I love to cook, but for some reason, I just never really got into baking. When I do happen to use my oven (other than for broiling), I think it’s safe to say that 90% of the time I’m making banana bread. This recipe is pretty much identical to one I posted about a year and a half ago (find it right here). Since then, my eating habits have changed quite a bit so I decided to modify the recipe a little bit…

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