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Lifestyle self-growth

7 Tips for Removing Negativity from Your Life

7 Tips for Removing Negativity from Your Life

Is removing negativity from your life possible? Well, it is impossible to remove ALL negativity from your life. Happiness almost never equals a picture-perfect life where things never go wrong, where you don’t ever get angry, sad or frustrated. Or disappointed. That’s not what being more “positive” or “happy” is about. It’s about realizing that “happiness” means different things to all of us. It is also about the realization that sometimes, removing negativity from your life takes work, a lot…

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5 Simple Shifts to Bring More Positivity to Your Life

shifts to bring more positivity to your life

Are you a worrier? When your mind is constantly preoccupied with apprehension, you feel uneasy and anxious most of the time. You might even sometimes feel like you’re losing control over your own life. This is a feeling that I’m well too familiar with. A while ago, I was going through a difficult time and felt stressed and overwhelmed. I’m talking about one of those days when you’re emotionally drained and you feel like you got run over by a train. I felt…

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Lifestyle self-growth

3 Mantras to Live By (for more happiness + peace)

You know what is one of the most important lessons that I’ve learned over the last few of years? That it’s those small, seemingly insignificant changes that we make in our “everyday” life that can have the biggest impact. Things like the way you react to things. Things that you tell yourself, every single day. Like daily mantras. Mantras are words and phrases (or, sounds) that you repeat to yourself daily. You probably use them on regular basis, without even…

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Lifestyle self-growth

12 Affirmations to Boost Confidence + Self Esteem

Affirmations to Boost Confidence + Self Esteem

I talk about affirmations quite often, here on the blog. I have a few of them taped to my mirror, I write them out in my journal, read them in the morning. It’s something that has helped me overcome things like self-doubt and also played a huge role in my journey to self-love and acceptance. Although, I don’t know. “Acceptance” is such a …. neutral word. I like “love” a lot better. Growing up I often heard things like “try…

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Girl talk Wellness

4 Ways to end negative self-talk


“Idiot! What is wrong with you?!” That was the first thing that I heard myself say when I missed a turn. I was going home after running some errands. Since I was in an unfamiliar area, I turned my GPS on. GPS that hasn’t been updated since I bought my car. The rain was pouring down hard, it was right around school-traffic time and I could barely see where I was going (not that it mattered since I didn’t actually know where I…

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