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Lifestyle Wellness

Snacking at work: healthy snacks to keep at the office

How to: Healthy Snacking at Work

I don’t know about you, but I love snacking. Mindful snacking, that is… How many times have you come across a “healthy snack” recommendation, only to find out that it was something pre-packaged, full of ingredients you can’t even pronounce? There are so, so many food products marketed as “healthy” or “healthy alternatives” that aren’t so healthy after all. Instead, they are filled with sugar and have little nutritional value… and don’t even get me started on cereals or some of…

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Girl talk Lifestyle

How to stay positive and happy, all day long

how to stay positive

How many times does your mood change throughout the day? You get stuck in morning traffic, someone at work says something negative to you and it’s enough to ruin your mood. Isn’t it funny how one negative comment from someone can completely change your mood sometimes? When I first started my work as a paralegal, every single time a client had a complaint or a bad attitude, I took it personally. Even though it can get a little stressful at…

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