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Lifestyle self-growth

Things to do Before the End of Year + Lessons Learned From Failure

Last night I sat down at my desk, my journal in hand. I looked down at the list of goals I wrote down for myself around this time last year. How many things was I able to cross off from my list? None. Yup. To be quite honest, my first instinct was to feel like a complete failure. Strange enough though, I still smiled as I closed my journal and got up from my desk. Why? Well, perhaps it’s because…

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Lifestyle self-growth

Things you have to stop telling yourself

Okay… so the truth is, you don’t HAVE to do anything. There aren’t any rules which you must absolutely follow in order to find more happiness and joy in your life. For some people, finding peace of mind is simple, it comes easy. For others, it is a constant struggle. We often expect so much from ourselves and tend to put ourselves down when things don’t go as planned. Other times, we make excuses and tell ourselves that things are what…

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Lifestyle self-growth

Overcoming Perfectionism: Ditch your desire to be perfect

Not. Good. Enough. If my life had a theme song, that would be the title. I’m not exactly sure where my desire for that constant perfection came from, but it was here, for as long as I can remember. Actually, I’m not entirely sure if it’s so much of a desire to be perfect, as it is a paralyzing fear of failure. It doesn’t matter if I’m cooking, cleaning, working, blogging, exercising- I’ve always felt the need for everything to…

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6 Daily Habits for Success + Accomplishing Your Goals

Ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day? I know the feeling. There always seems to be so much to do, so much to accomplish. However you choose to define success, whatever it is that you hope to achieve or complete- it most likely isn’t going to happen overnight. It happens every day. It happens when you stop using excuses. It happens when you take small steps. It happens when you grow and work on self-improvement on…

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Lifestyle self-growth

7 Habits to Quit to Be More Successful

7 Habits to Quit to Be More Successful

The easiest way to introduce some new, fun and exciting things into your life, is to first make some room by getting rid of old, limiting habits. There are a lot of things we don’t have control over. One thing you can control is what you do every day- because success isn’t something that happens all of a sudden; it’s something that happens every single day. Every “overnight” success you’ve ever heard of, was years in the making. Success means different…

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