After my little break from YouTube, I’m finally back with another video!
Few weeks a go I was tagged by my beautiful friend Sophie of SOINSPO to do the #ShineStrong TAG. You guys probably already know all about Sophie, her version of this tag was so lovely to watch, she’s just so authentic and real in front of the camera and I highly encourage you to watch her video right here.
To be honest, I struggled a bit with making this video. Not only has it been a while since I filmed one, but I also wasn’t sure how I felt about sharing some of the things that I talk about. Ultimately I decided to publish it and hope that you guys enjoy watching it! Please do excuse my messy hair and makeup, but I recorded this after a long day at work just #keepingitreal ;) .
Here are the questions:
Finish this sentence, “Strong is…”
What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
What do you do to unwind?
What’s the one thing you’ve always wanted to learn?
Hows does your bff #shinestrong?
What natural talent would you want to be gifted with?
What is your idea of happiness?
What is your motto?
What is your ultimate #shinestrong hairstyle?
Finish the sentence, “I love good hair days because…”
Share your best tip for strong, healthy hair.
Finish this sentence, I #shinestrong when I…”
[embedplusvideo height=”356″ width=”620″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/Yh8tTo” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/druf9129LA0?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=druf9129LA0&width=620&height=356&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep2890″ /]
I want to, once again, thank Sophie for tagging me, so sweet of you Love!
I want to tag girls from BerryBloomXO.com and FashStyleLiv.com. I realize that neither of you girls makes videos, but I hope that I can inspire you to make one, and if not, I think that doing a blog-post version of this tag would be lovely as well! ;)