After my little break from YouTube, I’m finally back with another video!
Few weeks a go I was tagged by my beautiful friend Sophie of SOINSPO to do the #ShineStrong TAG. You guys probably already know all about Sophie, her version of this tag was so lovely to watch, she’s just so authentic and real in front of the camera and I highly encourage you to watch her video right here.
To be honest, I struggled a bit with making this video. Not only has it been a while since I filmed one, but I also wasn’t sure how I felt about sharing some of the things that I talk about. Ultimately I decided to publish it and hope that you guys enjoy watching it! Please do excuse my messy hair and makeup, but I recorded this after a long day at work just #keepingitreal ;) .
Here are the questions:
Finish this sentence, “Strong is…”
What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
What do you do to unwind?
What’s the one thing you’ve always wanted to learn?
Hows does your bff #shinestrong?
What natural talent would you want to be gifted with?
What is your idea of happiness?
What is your motto?
What is your ultimate #shinestrong hairstyle?
Finish the sentence, “I love good hair days because…”
Share your best tip for strong, healthy hair.
Finish this sentence, I #shinestrong when I…”
[embedplusvideo height=”356″ width=”620″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/Yh8tTo” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/druf9129LA0?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=druf9129LA0&width=620&height=356&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep2890″ /]
I want to, once again, thank Sophie for tagging me, so sweet of you Love!
I want to tag girls from BerryBloomXO.com and FashStyleLiv.com. I realize that neither of you girls makes videos, but I hope that I can inspire you to make one, and if not, I think that doing a blog-post version of this tag would be lovely as well! ;)
September 5, 2014 at 10:43 amWhat a lovely tag, also really interesting! I really enjoyed watching it! :) You should make more videos for sure! ;)
September 5, 2014 at 3:30 pmAww thanks Melissa!
September 5, 2014 at 7:07 pmWonderful post. ;-)
September 5, 2014 at 8:27 pmYay!!! I’m so glad you did this tag! :) It really is amazing that you changed your major. I’m so glad you did because it would be really horrible to have a job that you hate. Really brave of you! Awww spending time with your dog is not a silly answer! Pets really do know when you’re feeling anxious! I totally agree :)
September 7, 2014 at 10:29 amThank you so much Christina!! It definitely wasn’t easy to talk about, but I’m glad I did ;)
Sophie Sierra
September 5, 2014 at 8:28 pmAww beautiful, beautiful video Paula! I wish I could just send my soul to you for just a second so you’d resonate with how proud I am of you. You continue to inspire, amaze and motivate me on a daily basis. You have such a gorgeous spirit that just radiates as you speak, blog and write. #shinestrong is what you do all day, every day so this vlog was made for you! :D
I love learning more about you and you just light up the screen when you talk! Your answers were so heartfelt and considered. Your “strong is forgiving” comment was so true and I admired you so for being so frank about university and going for your goals. Your sis sounds like the cutest! SO, so sweet you guys are best friends and have such a tight bond. :) I loved the shot of you and Blu together, so adorable! Haha, he made such a great cameo and it was shot so perfectly ;) I thought that dancing was such a fab answer for the natural talent question, I got so stuck at that point in the tag haha! Salsa would be amazing to learn! I really love “follow your bliss” as a motto, such a unique mantra and one that rings so true to you as a person, you really “follow your bliss” and go for what you want which inspires me to do the very same in my own life.
Graham and I watched your vlog together and he couldn’t have praised you more! He hears about you all the time from me so it was nice to show him you “for real”. Couldn’t be happier that you decided to go ahead and hit publish Paula, I know you had your doubts (and completely understand now, as I always doubt my vlogs too), but please know this vlog was perfect from start to finish! You look absolutely stunning in the photo and throughout the vlog, when I first saw the photo of you in the hat I was just like “OMG beauty!” The hat looks divine on you and I love your flawless make-up. Brave, beautiful, strong, fierce, inspirational, flawless, smart, humorous, warm and spirited. Shine strong? Hell yes you do! :D SO proud of you love and aww, and really can’t thank you enough for saying such sweet things about me , they really mean the absolute world and I will always be honoured to call you my friend! Love you! <3
Sophie xo
September 7, 2014 at 10:47 amAwww thank you so, so much Sophie! I could never explain to you how much you being here for me means! Although I think you might have an idea by now ;) :D
That shot of me and Blu was totally accidental, but I decided to keep it there hehe just to show him off :D. I was really stuck with the “talent” question too. It’s such a difficult question haha :) Now that I think about it, I should of went with teleporting or flying, how cool would that be? :D.
How nice of you to show Graham! I feel a bit embarrassed now haha :) Thank you so much for all the kindness and love Sophie, you’re a true friend! <3<3 Love you!
September 7, 2014 at 11:10 amThis was lovely Paula and I enjoyed watching it so much so that I finally filmed a YouTube video doing this tag. Thank you so much for tagging me…x
September 7, 2014 at 11:35 amThanks so much Love! Yay, so so happy that you filmed it Liv! :D <3
September 7, 2014 at 12:13 pmI loved watching the video, Paula! I think you’re such a strong person as the doctor dilemma is right up my alley too! It’s pressure in one way, yet if it’s not for you – it’s never going to make you happy! Your sister sounds like a lovely person and really inspirational!
Oh, and I love your doggy!!
Yes, it is definitely true that when you have nice hair, you just feel 100x better about yourself! That’s why I love to do fishtail braids as they’re less likely to get frizzy and annoying during the day, they’re super cute and perfect for the I’m-washing-my-hair-tonight days!
Thank You so much for tagging me, and yes, you have totally got me wanting to make a video now!! Maybe I’ll gather enough courage! haha!
You look gorgeous, though, Paula and it was so refreshing watching the video! <3
BerryBloomXO.com | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog
September 8, 2014 at 9:29 pmAww thank you so, so much Puja! Means so much to me that you liked it and actually watched the whole thing! Haha I was so surprised to find that it was so long, I was just talking and talking and talking haha ;)
I would love for you to make a video, I think it would be so nice to see you make videos, not to mention how great would it be for your blog! I’ll keep my fingers crossed in hopes that you take the plunge and film one! I’d love to see it!! <3 <3