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New Skincare to Crush On This Spring


The following content includes referral links and/or PR samples/gifted products (*). Read my disclosure policy for more info. The skincare world is definitely not a “one size fits all” kind of a thing. I love the fact that we’re all becoming more knowledgeable in terms of our skin’s needs and product ingredients. I mean, as long as you don’t take skincare advice from those viral DIY recipes you can sometimes find on Pinterest. One of the most interesting product ranges I’ve…

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The Roundup: 2018

The Roundup 2018 Thirteen Thoughts

2018 was a year of change. It was another year where I didn’t get to do or try too many things that I had hoped to do and try. Even though it wasn’t for a lack of effort, it still felt like a bit of a failure on my part. It wasn’t until towards the end of this year, that I realized that sometimes you can’t help but slow down and play the cards you’re dealt. For me, it was…

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Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers

Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers

Affiliate marketing for bloggers: everything you need to know when starting out. The following content includes referral links. Read my disclosure policy for more info. One of the most frequent questions I get asked by new bloggers is: how do I monetize my blog? Most of the time, people assume that display ads are the way to go, but the truth is that unless you get a ton of traffic, you won’t make a whole lot of money. If you’re just starting out,…

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Blog tips: How to get 1,000 email subscribers in 30 days

How to Get 1000 subscribers in 30 days

How to get 1,000 email subscribers in 30 days. The following content includes referral links. Read my disclosure policy for more info. If you don’t yet know how crucial having an email list is to monetizing and growing your blog, you can catch up reading this post. One of the easiest ways to grow your email list is by creating content upgrades to your blog posts- we already covered creating incentives right here. Today we will talk about creating a free email course,…

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Growing Your Email List: How to Add Content Upgrades to Your Blog

The following content contains referral links. Read my disclosure policy for more info. In today’s Blog Tips post, we’re focusing on growing your email list and creating incentives/content upgrades that will help you grow your list. Ahh… “the list.” Okay, first, let’s talk about the importance of growing your email list. Why is an email list a must for any blogger and biz owner? Well, let’s see. If you’ve been blogging for a while, then you know that some years ago,…

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