Robyn Lawley: Plus size or normal size?

So this morning I’m trying to figure out this whole new Google+/Youtube thing, and came across an article from Cosmopolitan magazine about Robyn Lawley, a “plus-size” model who came out with her very own swimwear collection earlier this year. Before I read that article I didn’t know who Robyn was, one thing I did know, after looking at her pictures, was the fact that in no way would I, personally, call her a “plus-size” model.

Now, Cosmo (which I read and love by the way) doesn’t set out standards for modeling, that’s up to the fashion industry. The author of the article actually refers to Robyn’s body as that of a “real woman”, “really beautiful” and proudly states that her pictures do not need any retouching, which I absolutely agree with.

  Still, average, healthy looking women are considered to be “plus-sized”. Makes me wonder how the fashion industry would refer to those of us who are even more curvy and voluptuous.

Happy Saturday.

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