
Japanese In-Shower Tool I Can’t Live Without (and you probably won’t either, once you try it)

This, right here, is a serious game-changer. I don’t know about you, but I HAVE to exfoliate when taking a shower, every single day. Your skin sheds about 30,000-40,000 skin cells every hour. You’re pretty much constantly shedding. Gross, I know. But hey, your skin is an amazing organ that protects and regulates your body. Still, you shouldn’t keep those dead skin cells hanging around. Once upon a time, I used loofahs and sponges in the shower. BUT, I had…

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Girl talk Lifestyle Wellness

15 Ways to Ease Your Anxious Mind

  15 Ways to Ease Your Anxious Mind Have I ever told you guys that I have a really bad dental phobia? As a child, I had a really bad experience at the dentists’ office that pretty much left me scarred for life. I get paranoid even when going for a 6-month checkup/cleaning. Few months ago, I actually started crying during a treatment. No, I wasn’t in pain. I was just scared. It’s that bad. I don’t really know what…

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Lovin’ Lately

I went crazy for essential oils  over last couple of weeks. Really crazy. I mean, I’ve used them in the past a lot, but I swear that I’ve been reaching for them every single day.…

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