
Lovin’ Lately


I went crazy for essential oils  over last couple of weeks. Really crazy. I mean, I’ve used them in the past a lot, but I swear that I’ve been reaching for them every single day.

I’ve been feeling a little anxious due to some stress I’ve been dealing with at work, so that’s probably why. It’s just something that helps me cope and relax. It’s like, I get home from work and I immediately put my diffuser on. There’s just something about aromatherapy that calms me down and helps me unwind.


I love using this diffuser that adds a little moisture into the air and diffuses the oils safely. It also lights up and turns off automatically when it runs out of water so I don’t have to worry about turning it off before I fall asleep. Usually, I keep my diffuser at my nightstand or at my home office desk while I work or read.


Peppermint, Lavender and Lemongrass are my favorites. Peppermint helps me breathe while Lavender and Lemongrass are very soothing. Peppermint is also sort a very happy and uplifting scent- I’m obsessed. Eucalyptus is also great for when you feel stressed and anxious- it’s probably one of my favorite scents. Whenever I’m really stressed I love ending my day with a eucalyptus bath.

leighton-denny-miracle-mistIf you follow me on Instagram then you know that I’ve been loving Glossybox. July Glossybox came with this Leighton Denny Miracle Mist* for nails. It’s the same thing that they use at the salon to make your nails dry faster and…. it actually works. Love that it doesn’t dull the nail polish shine, it’s a dry spray and even though I rarely paint my nails in a rush, this product would be perfect for someone who doesn’t have a ton of time to spend on their beauty routine. Nothing worse than smudging your fresh manicure because you just couldn’t wait for your nails to dry properly. :)

You already had a glimpse into my August makeup bag where I talked about these two products, but I really want to mention them again. Marc Jacobs Air Blush in Kinky Kisses* is gorgeous. The formula, the finish, the color, the packaging- I love everything about it. I’m not a blush girl, but I seriously fell in love with this one. Charlotte Tilburry’s Miranda May is a shade that works so well with skin tone and eye color- I’ve been using it all.the.time. Wears comfortably and has a gorgeous finish.


Moving on to skincare- two collagen products I’ve been using on regular basis: Mario Badescu Super Collagen Mask and Jouviance Collagen Boost Needle-Free Filler Serum*. Now, I don’t have any wrinkles, but I do have some rolling acne scars on my right cheek. Those are the type of scars that are wide and shallow and are caused by the damage under the surface of skin. I’m planning to eventually get laser treatments on my skin, but my dermatologist told me that first my skin needs to be completely acne-free. So, in the mean time I also reach for quite a few anti-aging products that are supposed to help my skin’s texture.

I’ve used the Super Collagen Mask years ago and recently picked up another jar. This mask is soo good. The subtle scent, the way it leaves my skin feeling, the way it feels on my skin- I love everything about it. Doesn’t irritate or burn my skin at all. I just wish that it came in a tube. If you want to give this mask a try, I’d definitely recommend you use a make brush like this one to apply this mask as it can get a bit messy.

Recently, I was also introduced to Jouviance– a Montreal beauty brand that just landed in CVS drugstores around US. I’ve been using their new Restructiv Collagen Boost Serum* and it has everything I love in skincare. Sleek, pump packaging and gentle, fragrance-free formula. I love the way this leaves my skin feeling- very smooth and soft. I’ve been using it for the last couple of weeks, twice a day (+ SPF50 during the day) and I can tell that it does help my skin look more plump. I’m planning on continuing to use this serum twice a day and I’ll definitely give you a little update in a few weeks.

What are you guys loving at the moment?

*PR samples/gifted items


  • Reply
    Samantha P
    September 2, 2016 at 11:46 pm

    The Mario Badescu mask sounds like something I need in my life so I’ll probably pick up when I’m at Ulta next. :)

    S .x

  • Reply
    September 3, 2016 at 2:12 am

    I actually really love that diffuser! I have been looking for one that isn’t over the top and simple. I really love using essential oils in diffusers for when I sleep.

    Chelsey |

  • Reply
    September 3, 2016 at 2:50 am

    Oooh the Mario Badescu mask sounds amazing! I’ll need to give it a try! I’ve got a few things from Mario Badescu and have loved every one!

    Beekeyper – Latest – Italian interlude no.5

  • Reply
    Becky Hughff
    September 3, 2016 at 7:13 am

    i love the look of that diffuser, really practical and subtle!

  • Reply
    Dea Andriany
    September 3, 2016 at 8:37 am

    I hope the hard days are over soon, Paula. I’ve been loving hot chocolate with heapings of cinnamon as of late, helps me unwind anytime.

    Selene Addicted

    • Reply
      Paula @
      September 3, 2016 at 11:47 am

      Thank you Dea! Ohh that sounds lovely! I might make some tonight since we’re expecting a storm to hit this weekend. Already feeling cozy:)

  • Reply
    Lindsay (Nail That Accent)
    September 3, 2016 at 9:07 am

    I’ve been wondering about trying one of those diffusers!

  • Reply
    Ambar Syed
    September 3, 2016 at 2:07 pm

    I love the Leighton Denny Miracle Mist! I literally can’t do a manicure without some sort of fast dry drops or spray now :)
    – Ambar x

    • Reply
      Emma Fox
      September 3, 2016 at 4:07 pm

      Same – it’s the only way it lasts!

  • Reply
    Emma Fox
    September 3, 2016 at 4:07 pm

    Love this! I suffer from anxiety too and found that aromatherapy is super helpful.

    Emma x

  • Reply
    Gemma Louise
    September 3, 2016 at 5:51 pm

    The Charlotte Tilbury shade looks gorgeous, I really want more from her Hot Lips range! x

    Gemma Louise

  • Reply
    September 3, 2016 at 10:40 pm

    Lovely post! Have a great weekend xx

    Edye |

  • Reply
    September 3, 2016 at 10:47 pm

    Great Post! I love that diffuser. That is something I might have to get for myself. :)
    Brooke |

  • Reply
    Nicole Merza
    September 3, 2016 at 11:47 pm

    These products sound great! I’d love to try aromatherapy. It sounds really cool :)

    Nicole | In The Life of NM

  • Reply
    Kiss & Make-up
    September 4, 2016 at 4:47 am

    Looks like you’re a real collagen fan :-) That diffuser sounds interesting.

  • Reply
    Kelly Stanton
    September 4, 2016 at 10:23 am

    Great faves and love the CT lip! I too am a massive essential oil fan as they really do make a world of difference, although I am really loving the diffuser you have so may to look into that one! Kelly x

  • Reply
    Katie S.
    September 4, 2016 at 10:52 am

    Peppermint essential oil has been my jam recently too! I finally got myself a diffuser and I love it. I have asthma and with how humid it has been, it’s been tough to breathe. But as soon as I turn my diffuser on my lungs immediately open up. It’s awesome! I got that nail spray in my Glossybox too and I’ve been using it every time I dry my nails. It’s amazing!!

    • Reply
      Paula @
      September 7, 2016 at 4:08 pm

      It’s so good, isn’t it? I definitely helps you breathe, I love that. I think that it kind of helps me clear my mind when I’m working.

  • Reply
    September 4, 2016 at 1:30 pm

    Love the CT lip and that blush is stunning!! xx

    Zoe ♥ MammafulZo

  • Reply
    September 5, 2016 at 8:41 pm

    I’ve heard so many good things about essentials oils but have yet to make the plunge and purchase some. My old boss swears by them she even used to keep a defuser in her office at work!

    I also really want to try the Charlotte Tilbury lipstick, but mostly because I LOVE the packaging.

    Brittany |

  • Reply
    steff @
    September 7, 2016 at 10:39 am

    I was JUST reading about that collagen mask from The Skinny Confidential blog and then stared at it for 10 min at Ulta the other day! I also struggle with those old acne issues, so I may pick it up today (sad story: the ABH foundation stick I was hoping would be a dream broke me out reactively SO BAD… so now I have an excuse to return to Ulta and exchange for the mask lol).

  • Reply
    September 8, 2016 at 2:46 pm

    I’m glad you’ve found ways to relax and wind down after work :)
    Do you find that diffuser noisy?! I tried using one but the puffs were too distracting!

    • Reply
      Paula @
      September 8, 2016 at 4:43 pm

      Thank you Grace! You can definitely hear the motor a little, but it’s not loud at all. There are two settings: one when the air can diffuse 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off or it can diffuse constantly. I don’t actually hear any “puffs” just the gentle motor sound.

  • Reply
    September 9, 2016 at 12:36 pm

    Anything that makes my nails dry faster is a win! Great post xxx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

  • Reply
    The Gossip Darling
    September 14, 2016 at 12:13 am

    Hahahhaha I am right there with you!!! I’m all about essential oils! Peppermint is really helping to keep my migraines away.

    Mel |

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