L’Essence by Balenciaga

Balenciage l'essence candle review

As you guys probably know by now, I have a thing for beautiful candles, especially the ones that come in pretty jars and fill my house with a beautiful scent. Even though Balenciaga’s L’Essence Candle was on my wishlist for a very long time, I couldn’t reason with myself to spend $65.00 on a candle, even as beautiful as this one. As luck would have it, I found this candle hidden between hair products at my local TJ Maxx and the best part was the price: $17.99! You can only imagine how excited I was when I realized that I found the candle that I was lusting over for months, at a fraction of the price!

The fragrance of this candle is very strong (I haven’t burned it yet, and my entire room is filled with the scent). It’s a modern, and intimate scent with leathery violet and vibrant woody notes. This intense fragrance is meant to capture the essence of Balenciaga Paris with “asserted sophistication that is elegant with a touch of mystery”.

The bottle is inspired by Balenciaga jewelry; it reveals elegant and modern interpretation of the classic prism-shaped Balenciaga Paris bottle.  The hematite cap reflects the high quality and elegance of the brand.

L’Essence by Balenciaga is a beautiful candle with a sophisticated scent and a very elegant and intricate packaging. I think this would make for an amazing gift, especially for someone who is as much of a candle lover as I am myself. To see what other goodies I’ve collected over the last couple of weeks, watch my new haul below! ;)

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Paula xx
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