How to: Color block nails

colorblock nailsTime for a first nail tutorial ;)

Pick three different nail polish colors. I chose Essie’s liliacism (the base color), Essie’s turks and caicos as a second color and Essie’s  madison overhue as the last color.

1. Start with a clear base coat.

2. Apply base color of your choice, I applied two coats of Essie’s liliacism.

  3. With a second color, apply few strokes, depending on the length of your nail. I did three, one longer and two shorter ones, so that it gives an effect of a descending order. 

4. Repeat on each nail.

5. Apply third color, in a similar fashion, using shorter strokes, letting the previous color peek through.

6. Apply clear top coat and allow to dry.

7. Show off your nails :) This technique works for any color, mix and match all you want :)

colorblock nails

You can also use only two different colors, like I did here, it looks pretty cool, sort of like the nail polish chipped midway:

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xx Paula

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