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Vegetarian Quesadillas

Best meal ideas always come to me at the same time: whenever I’m running low on groceries and don’t feel like going to the store :) . I made these delicious vegetarian quesadillas when I ran out of chicken. My little brother (okay maybe not so little anymore, he’s turning 16 this summer :( ) was staying with us and he can be very picky about what he’ll eat. Thankfully, these quesadillas hit the spot: him and Mark devoured a…

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Lifestyle Recipes Wellness

Watermelon-Cucumber Mint Water

Spring. It’s finally here! Although I do have to say that yesterday felt more like Summer. We’ve spent all day sitting outside, doing some yard work and relaxing in our backyard. Just sitting there with my eyes closed, letting the sun rays hit my skin, I felt so grateful. Grateful for this beautiful nature, the sun, the wind, the trees, the birds that were chirping all day long, all those things that we very often take for granted. Even our…

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Recipes Wellness

Almond meal banana bread

Almond meal banana bread Yesterday I made banana bread for the very first time.  I had a rough and very emotional day  (don’t ever let idiots put you in a bad mood) and nothing relaxes me more than cooking. I’m not much of a baker, but I had lots of ripe bananas laying in the fridge so I decided to try out a banana bread recipe that I got a while a go from a friend. I decided to modify…

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