Workplace mindfulness- what is it, how do I do it and how can it help me? Well, if you often find yourself feeling stressed during your workday, it can completely change the way you deal with stressful situations. Regular mindfulness practice can help lower stress levels, chances of burnout and anxiety. Mindfulness can also help you regulate your feelings such as anger, overwhelm and frustration. Most of us tend to move through the workday with very little awareness. The key to…
One of the most important relationships in your life is the one you have with yourself. How often do you nourish it? How often do you make yourself, or your own happiness, a priority? You spend a lot of time giving. Giving yourself to others, your work. Life gets busy and you often put yourself last. You sometimes commit to doing things you don’t feel like doing. Some days, you can’t help but beat yourself up over a stupid mistake…
Overwhelm. It seems it’s a feeling that takes over a bit too easily these days. Wouldn’t you agree? Most of the time, our feelings of overwhelm have to do with our future, and, fear. Fear of failure, fear of not being able to accomplish things, not being able to get things done in time. I mean, hello, peace of mind? What is that, anyway? Mind that is calm, free of worries, anxiety or chaos. Free of things that keep you…
Not. Good. Enough. If my life had a theme song, that would be the title. I’m not exactly sure where my desire for that constant perfection came from, but it was here, for as long as I can remember. Actually, I’m not entirely sure if it’s so much of a desire to be perfect, as it is a paralyzing fear of failure. It doesn’t matter if I’m cooking, cleaning, working, blogging, exercising- I’ve always felt the need for everything to…
4 Mental Habits that Steal Happiness Ask any group of people what their main goal in life is and chances are they’ll tell you it’s happiness. Ask them to define happiness, and they’ll probably all give you different answers. “Happiness” is something we say we want, simply because we have no easier way to describe all of our goals, dreams, and plans. We want things to go good, we want things to go smoothly. Happiness is also something that we’re…