May was a wonderful month. The weather finally got a lot warmer and bright and I found this new energy and am full of ideas and inspiration. Even though there were moments when I felt helpless, I took it one day at a time. I learned that it doesn’t make sense to stress over things that we have no control over (and also that you cannot help someone, who doesn’t want to be helped), instead, I chose to focus on…
Girl talk
I was recently tagged by Christel of Floralconstellation to do the “Get to know me tag”, so today’s post will be all about ME, ME, ME. Christel is a very sweet girl who blogs about fashion and features lots of OOTD posts :) . Here are my answers:…
I’ve always liked Cameron Diaz and since I’m passionate about nutrition and overall healthy lifestyle, I knew that I had to get my hands on her book written with Sandra Bark: The Body Book: the law of hunger, the science of strength, and other ways to love your amazing body. In it, Diaz talks about everything from nourishment, how our kidneys work to vagina and poop. Really.…
I stumbled upon “Be The Miracle” by Regina Brett when it popped up on my feed as a recommended book purchase. I love reading books that are happy, uplifting and inspirational. The kind of books that make you feel like you’re on top of the world and can accomplish anything you wish. “Be The Miracle” is one of those books.…
“Demi Lovato wakes up each morning and affirms her commitment to herself—to her health, her happiness, her being. Those commitments are the bedrock of her recovery and her work helping other young people dealing with the issues she lives with every single day.” Other than being a platinum-selling artist, Demi Lovato is definitely one of the most inspiring young artists as well. She opened up about battling anorexia, bulimia, bipolar disorder and bullying and is now sharing her tips to…