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Dry skin saviors I’m obsessing over

  Or… in other words, my Accutane journey continues. I just started my second month, and still can’t get used to the fact that my face does not look like it’s been submerged in a bucket full of oil, at the end of my work-day. If your dry skin could use a new BFF, this post is for you. Here’s what we have: The Rose Hand Cream, Everywhere Multi-Cream, All-Over Skin Salve and 101 Ointment from Lano- Australian skincare brand, winner…

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Everyday Beauty

How long after trying a new product you love, do you decide that you want it to be a part of your routine, forever? Because that’s how I’m feeling about this Everywhere Multi-Cream. I wish I could describe the things that this cream does for my skin. I feel like all I talk about these days is my skin and lips being dry from my acne treatment, but guys, this dryness is real. I have a LOT of creams and…

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