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Let’s talk acne: my skincare routine on Accutane, mid-treatment thoughts + my results so far

skincare routine on Accutane

Okay, just so you know, this is going to be a l-o-n-g read. Also, if you’re not suffering from acne, you probably won’t find this post very interesting. Just a heads-up. This is my 1st Accutane post, to see an update, check out this post.  Most of you guys know that I’ve been suffering from acne for pretty much as long as I remember. I’d only go through a few weeks of completely clear skin at a time. First world…

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Lovin’ Lately

Thirty-one days. That’s exactly how long my “I won’t be buying any makeup until April”  goal lasted.  I’m giving it another try though. To be fair, I only bought a few brow/lash products… the rest was skincare. This means that you can expect February to be filled with a lot of skincare posts, because that’s definitely where my focus is at the moment. Now that my acne has cleared up almost completely, I definitely notice some of my new-ish acne…

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5 Ways to Pamper Yourself in The Morning (in 10 minutes or less)

Pamper Yourself in The Morning

I know what you’re thinking… morning + pamper? Nobody has time for that. Ah, yes…. time. It seems that nowadays we’re constantly on the run and rarely get to practice some self-care. Yes, you sometimes get to watch a movie, but it’s often happening while you’re also on your phone, answering emails. It’s sort of like resting, while still trying to remain active. You end up not getting any rest, at all. This is one of the reasons why I…

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What’s in my makeup bag: January

makeup bag

After a month-long break I took from wearing makeup.. I’m back. Even though my skin is looking better than it has in many, many years, it felt so good to start wearing makeup again. I always get slightly annoyed when people think that women (or men) wear makeup because they feel like they need to wear it. It’s not the case for me, just like I know it isn’t the case for majority of us.…

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3 Reasons to Love (or….Obsess Over) Dry Brushing

dry brushing

There are quite a few morning rituals that I look forward to, every single day. Dry brushing happens to be one of my favorite ones. I mentioned dry brushing quite a few times in the past, but I never went into too much detail- which is why I decided to write this post. Dry brushing has been a part of my routine for years and I can’t believe I’m just sharing my love for it now. EXFOLIATION This is probably…

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