50 Positive Affirmations for More Abundance, Happiness and Success

50 Positive Affirmations for More Abundance, Happiness, and Success

It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of using affirmations.

You might not realize this, but the majority of the time, we tend to think about things in a negative way.

We talk and think about things we don’t want, things we don’t want to happen to us, more than we talk about things we want, love and desire. We think about things we did wrong, the mistakes we’ve made, the opportunities we’ve missed. A lot of this happens during our little internal monologues.

Think about the words: “I AM.”

Usually, what follows are things like: “so tired,” “so frustrated” or “so stupid for saying/doing that.”

And the list goes on.

How different do you think your life would be if instead of constantly talking down to yourself, you’d tell yourself “I am in love with my life?

There is quite a lot of self-judgment going on in our minds. Some of these false judgments are often deeply rooted in our unconscious mind- part of our mind where our beliefs, habits, and behaviors are formed and reinforced.


Positive affirmations allow you to raise your awareness to a different and new perspective. In order for these to work, however, you have to speak them, think them, write them down, on a regular basis. The more you use them, the more aware you will become of your negative thought patterns. The benefits of using affirmations have been proven by science, too. You do have to put in a bit of work though and actually use those positive affirmations on a regular basis.

In one of my recent posts, we talked about how creating a positive outlook can inspire a change. Affirmation is a tool that can help you create that positive outlook and minimize the threat of negative patterns taking over.


50 Positive Affirmations






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Palladas wrote: “Day by day we are born as night retires, no more possessing aught of our former life, estranged from our course of yesterday, and beginning today the life that remains.” Every day is an opportunity. Opportunity to practice more love towards yourself and other people; opportunity to be more grateful, opportunity to change things you don’t like; opportunity to grow.

Daily positive affirmations and practice won’t magically change your life overnight- but it will help you re-program your mind. If you ever thought of yourself as not good enough, not smart enough, if you often tell yourself: “I can’t,” give some of these a try, for at least a week.

Let go of those limiting thoughts and beliefs; use affirmations as a tool for manifesting a change. Write them down, speak them aloud, use post-it notes to stick them in a place where you will see them often. 

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