Beauty Recipes Wellness

Green smoothie for healthy, glowing skin

green smoothie for healthy glowing skin

Green smoothie for healthy, glowing skin

I’ve struggled with acne for many years, and one thing that made a huge improvement in my skin was changing my diet.

The minute I cut dairy out of my diet, my cystic acne disappeared. Eating mostly plant-based foods, good Omega-3 supplements and drinking a lot of water also helped me quite a bit.

Over the holidays though, I definitely indulged a little- I just can’t say no to both my mom’s and my mother-in-law’s cooking. Whenever my diet changes, it shows on my skin pretty much instantly and as much as I love the holiday season, I’m really excited to go back to my regular routine, healthy diet and exercise.

Every morning, I start my day by drinking a glass of warm water with lemon on an empty stomach and then usually have a green smoothie for breakfast. Today’s little recipe is my go-to for when my skin needs a little pick-me-up.


My favorite base for green smoothies is kale or spinach. Kale is packed with fiber, Vitamin A, C, and K as well as iron. It aids inflammation, it detoxifies and helps boost immunity. Spinach is also loaded with Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K as well as vital minerals.

Avocado is another great ingredient to add to your smoothies- it’s packed with vitamin E – a skin antioxidant- and due to avocado’s high oleic acid content, it moisturizes the skin and reduces redness and irritation. For fruit, bananas are also a must for me- I always keep a few frozen ones in my freezer. Mango is full of antioxidants and chia seeds are rich in omega 3 fats which are essential for good skin (especially if you’re suffering from acne).


Green smoothie for healthy, glowing skin

2 cups of spinach
1/2 cups kale
2 frozen, ripe bananas
2 cups of coconut water
1 cup mango, cubed
1 small apple, cored and roughly chopped
1/2 avocado
2 tsp chia seeds
1 scoop of plant-based protein powder (optional)


1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. This makes two, big portions- for one, half the ingredients.


  • Reply
    Elre Hugo
    January 5, 2016 at 1:06 pm

    Nice! Thanks for sharing Paula. I was looking for a green smoothie to try in my new smoothie maker. This one it will be!

  • Reply
    January 5, 2016 at 2:06 pm

    This looks so yummy!


  • Reply
    Serein Wu
    January 5, 2016 at 3:14 pm

    Totally agree! My skin never looked better when I avoided dairy, soy, and corn (the most overly processed crops in the U.S.) Sadly I have fallen off the healthy eating plan the last year and my energy and fitness levels suffer from it. Definitely going to start my mornings with more greens. Thanks for the inspiration!

  • Reply
    Samantha Frances
    January 5, 2016 at 3:15 pm

    My skin has gone into melt down recently so this is definitely something I need to try out! xxx

  • Reply
    Serene Kurd
    January 5, 2016 at 3:23 pm

    Oh gosh this looks so delicious, I need to try this out for my skin to start glowing! :D

    Serene | I Am Serene L

  • Reply
    Georgia Owen
    January 5, 2016 at 3:45 pm

    Looks and sounds like it tastes delicious! Need to take a break from milky things and get on the fruity bandwagon I think.
    // xx

  • Reply
    Olivia Aimes
    January 5, 2016 at 3:45 pm

    I love myself some green juice xo

  • Reply
    Rita Ferreira
    January 5, 2016 at 5:31 pm

    Need to try and start drinking/eating healthier! This sounds really tasteful, might have to try it out!

    Rita xx

  • Reply
    Liz | Lipstick & Confetti
    January 5, 2016 at 5:32 pm

    This sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing the recipe :)

    xo, Liz

  • Reply
    Paula Loreti
    January 5, 2016 at 5:34 pm

    i’ve always wanted to try one of these, everybody says they are super healthy and yummy!
    ps: I know this has nothing to do with the post but I love your nailpolish, where is it from??

  • Reply
    January 5, 2016 at 6:30 pm

    I bought a Nutribullet a few months ago but haven’t found a green smoothie recipe that I actually enjoy! Will definitely be trying this one out, thanks for sharing!

    xx Krista | a beauty & wellness blog

  • Reply
    Janica Khemlani
    January 5, 2016 at 7:53 pm

    this looks so yumm!!! need to try this out! thanks for sharing paula! :)

  • Reply
    January 6, 2016 at 12:43 am

    I’m really not a smoothie person but I’d love to give this a try to give my skin a little treat!

  • Reply
    Bash Harry
    January 6, 2016 at 5:09 am

    I love drinking some good ol’ health smoothies! This looks incredible! A little bit of kale and apples always adds to a better smoothie <3

    xx Bash | H E Y   B A S H | bloglovin’

  • Reply
    January 6, 2016 at 6:43 am

    Definitely going to try this one, my skin is suffering from all the junk I’ve been eating!

  • Reply
    Elizabeth Hisle
    January 6, 2016 at 9:05 am

    Yessss, post holiday season reset, here I come. I need more spinach in my life.

  • Reply
    Sophie Sierra
    January 6, 2016 at 3:09 pm

    Ahh this looks so gorgeous; full of green goodness and such a refreshing treat for January to banish away these winter blues (with some greens hehe)! It looks super divine Paula, another fabulous recipe filled with such nutrition and nurture. And the fact that it gets you glowing is just all the amazing. Love, love, LOVE! <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  • Reply
    Emma Bought What
    January 6, 2016 at 4:08 pm

    This sounds great! Definitely going to make this for myself when my skin is having a bad day x

  • Reply
    Nereyda Gonzalez
    January 6, 2016 at 5:16 pm

    I am obsessed with avocados! Mangos are my favorite fruit so the fact that this smoothie has both is awesome! I love smoothies for breakfast. I drank one today and am determined to get back to my healthy eating habits. Bookmarking this!

    Nereyda│ This Girl Is Obsessed

  • Reply
    January 6, 2016 at 5:24 pm

    I am loving smoothies lately but do get bored of making the same one over and over agin. Will definitely try this recipe, you made it sound so delicious and it even looks great x

    Beauty with charm

  • Reply
    Ela BellaWorld
    January 6, 2016 at 5:49 pm

    I used to drink warm water&lemon mixture, it was really good at boosting my metabolism. After a holiday season, my skin acts up too. I’ve never tried a drink to make an effect on my skin, now this is something I should try. I saved the recipe and hopefully will give it a try soon!

    Ela BellaWorld

  • Reply
    Dagmara Klich
    January 6, 2016 at 6:30 pm

    I have certainly overindulge in not so healthy food and I can see some breakouts on my skin. I definitely need to get back to healthier eating and start making smoothies more often, I should try your recipe :) x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

  • Reply
    January 6, 2016 at 7:47 pm

    I make green smoothies for breakfast too – I never thought about using avocado in them but that makes total sense! Thanks for the tip. I totally love this post – what a great way to start 2016!

    I also agree about diet having a huuuuge impact on acne. I try and avoid dairy and other processed foods too. For me, cystic acne is hormonal, so the only thing that really helps stop it is an anti-androgen pill :(

    Hope you have a lovely 2016 and I’m looking forward to all the posts for this year!

    Margarita Chi | MARGARITACHI.CO

  • Reply
    Rachel Shnayder
    January 6, 2016 at 9:29 pm

    I love smoothies! I’ll have to give this one a try!

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    Chelsey A. Thornton
    January 6, 2016 at 11:57 pm

    Post New Years my skin needs a glow boost, this Ace Paula!

    Chelsey |

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    Jenny M
    January 8, 2016 at 8:02 am

    Looks great, smoothies are such a handy way to boost your fruit and veg intake. I have yet to try mango so I must give that a go. Thanks xx

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